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Are you or a loved one experiencing an

unplanned pregnancy?

We can help.

24 Hour  Pregnancy Counseling Hotline  804.615.7007

Pregnancy Support​

Confidential support is available as you prepare to become a parent or place your baby for adoption. Our pregnancy counselors can help you care for yourself and your baby throughout your pregnancy and after your child is born.

Additional resources are available to assist with  housing, finances, and medical appointments and billing. You are not alone. 

CCC's pregnancy counseling services are provided at no cost. 

Woman speaking with pregnancy support counselor

 Our pregnancy counselors offer compassionate guidance and experienced support throughout your journey.

Are you Thinking of Placing a Baby for Adoption?

If you choose adoption, you can decide which family is best for your child and have the opportunity to meet them. Our staff has carefully evaluated each of these adoptive families and has verified that they are prepared for parenthood. Open, semi-open, or confidential adoptions are all options through our licensed agency.

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Read FAQs 

 Take a look at some of the questions we often hear.

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Meet adoptive families

Learn about the families who are waiting to adopt. 

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Talk to a counselor

Our counselors are ready and able to answer your questions. 

FAQs about placing a child for adoption

How can I carry this baby to term and then give it away?

You're not giving your baby away. You are making a life-long decision for your child in order to give your child everything they need. You are taking control of the situation, determining what's best for the baby, and working through a decision you can live with and know is best. If you are unable to be your child's parent at this time, adoption may be right for you.

How long do I have to change my mind about an open adoption?

In Virginia, birth parents can change their minds until the baby is 10-days-old.

When do I sign papers relinquishing my rights?

You do not sign anything related to relinquishing custody until after the baby is born. Typically, if making an adoption plan, the paperwork is signed in the hospital prior to discharge.

Does the father have to know?

In Virginia, agencies or adoption attorneys are required to notify the birth father that he has been named as the putative father and allow him to register with the Virginia Putative Father Registry if he wants his rights protected.

Can I have an open adoption?

There is a range of openness in adoption; from receiving letters and pictures a couple of times a year to developing a relationship with the adoptive family where you can have much more contact with the baby.

Can I receive counseling even after the adoption placement?

Absolutely! You are very important to us. We are here for you as long as you need us.

Can I choose the adoptive family?

Absolutely! Commonwealth Catholic Charities has completed intensive home studies for adoptive families. You may also choose to meet the family prior to making your final decision. 

What if the birth father doesn't agree to the adoption?

Sometimes the baby's father disagrees with the adoption plan. You may need to consider him as a possible option for the baby if he is interested or equipped to parent the child. There are times when the father may not be a safe option so it may be necessary to go to court to request a home study on the father.


Commonwealth Catholic Charities

1601 Rolling Hills Drive | Richmond, VA 23229 

804.285.5900 |

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©2025 by Commonwealth Catholic Charities. 

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