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Perseverance Paid Off: One Woman’s Journey out of Debt and into a Home of her Own. 

Ayesha always dreamed of owning a home, but when she unexpectedly found herself a single mother with a daunting pile of debt, that dream seemed out of reach. Determined to improve her financial situation, Ayesha contacted CCC.   

CCC Housing and Financial Counselor Desiri Walker, met with Ayesha every month for over three years.  

“Together, we created a plan to pay off her debts and clean up her credit, one step at a time,” said Walker. “It was a journey that required patience and perseverance, but she remained committed throughout.” 

During those three years, Ayesha lived with relatives so she could save money and pay down debt, all while advancing in her career and caring for two teenage boys. 

celebrating closing day
Ayesha on closing day with her sons.

In December 2023, Ayesha’s hard work paid off and her dream of buying a house became a reality. CCC helped Ayesha connect with another local nonprofit who provided grant funding to help with the down payment.  

“We are incredibly proud of this accomplishment,” said Walker. “It is a testament to Ayesha’s resilience and determination as well as the value of housing counseling for first-time homebuyers.” 


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