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Planned Giving

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Your legacy can be CCC's future

For over a century, CCC has been nurturing children and families, housing the homeless, and welcoming newcomers to the U.S. Your planned gift will ensure that for another century, CCC will be positioned to deliver high quality, professional, and compassionate human service to our neighbors in need.

Planned Gift Options​​​​​



  • Establish a Transfer on Death (TOD) or Payable on Death (POD) provision for investment assets, savings & checking accounts, money market accounts, and CDs.

We encourage you to seek legal and/or tax advice when establishing a planned gift. We are available to begin the conversation by helping you determine which gift option may be best for you and your family.


To discuss making a planned gift for a designated purpose please contact Kathleen McCormac at

living trust

Additional Information

Including CCC in your living trust or will

  • When making a bequest through a will or codicil, provide the recommended language below to your attorney:

    • I give, devise and bequeath to Commonwealth Catholic Charities Foundation (Tax ID# 52-2374004 ), 1601 Rolling Hills Drive, Richmond, VA 23229 for (general purposes or specific program/service) the amount of (insert specific amount, residual or percentage of estate).


Designating CCC as the beneficiary

  •  In order to do this, please provide the investment institution with Commonwealth Catholic Charities’ name and Tax ID number: 

    • Commonwealth Catholic Charities Foundation

    • Tax ID# 52-2374004

Commonwealth Catholic Charities

1601 Rolling Hills Drive | Richmond, VA 23229 

804.285.5900 |

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Commonwealth Catholic Charities is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

©2024 by Commonwealth Catholic Charities. 

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