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Foster Care

Children are placed in foster care for a number of reasons. Whatever the reason, the underlying needs are the same—a home where each child can be supported, guided, and accepted.


Foster parenting is a special calling. We understand the dedication and commitment that it takes to be a foster parent. Our staff goes out of the way to make sure that foster parents are supported in order for them to be the kind of caregivers that are needed. 

Commonwealth Catholic Charities provides foster care services in Richmond, Roanoke, and Norton

Doing Homework

You have the power to change a child's life forever.

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Treatment Foster Care

Our Treatment Foster Care program provides specialized training and support to foster families who are caring for children and adolescents with a wide variety of complex emotional and behavioral needs, often the result of significant trauma. The program emphasizes the positive aspects of a nurturing and therapeutic family environment in combination with active and structured treatment.

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CCC provides foster care to refugee children who have fled their homes because of war, persecution, or other dangerous living situations. Typically, these children—settled through the United Nations—arrive in the United States without their parents. The children are placed in a foster home where they are supported and cared for as they adjust to their new lives in the U.S.

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Child Abuse Prevention Education

Through parent group education, at-home one-on-one training, and community outreach and awareness, CCC is working to address and prevent child abuse in the home. 

Independent Living

CCC’s Independent Living Program helps youth from foster care become self-sufficient as they reach adulthood and move into homes of their own. The goal of Independent Living is to provide youth with tools and skills that will enable them to live on their own successfully. The services provided are tailored to meet the specific needs, strengths, and resources of each individual. Young adults who receive independent living services receive assistance with: - Safe and stable housing - Employment skills - Educational goals - Financial growth goals - Establishing a healthy supportive adult and peer relationship

Kids Playing Tug of War


children in foster care in the U.S.


in Virginia's foster care system


of U.S. children are removed from homes because of neglect 


of children in foster care in Virginia are 10 and older


months spent on average in foster care in Virginia

Foster Parent Resources

Preparing your family and your home

Becoming a foster parent means becoming part of a treatment team for the child in your care. CCC will provide ongoing support and guidance as you prepare to foster and throughout your fostering journey. We will help you prepare your home, and learn about expectations, rules, and regulations. We believe that by working as a team, fostering will be a positive experience for everyone. 

Mom and teen hugging
Dad and son playing soccer.jpg

Foster Care FAQs

Foster care is the temporary placement of children who have been removed from their home due to abuse, neglect, or the child's emotional or behavioral problems. Foster parents provide a temporary, safe, and nurturing environment for a child who is unable to remain in his or her family.

What is foster care?

What do foster parents do?

Foster parents act as full-time caregivers until the child returns to his/her parents, relatives, or another permanent plan is made. Foster parents work as part of a treatment team to assist children in reaching their behavioral, emotional, developmental, or medical goals.

How do I become a foster parent?

The first step is to complete training and a home study, which include a review of any criminal history, child protective service, financial, and driving records.

Am I financially responsible for my foster child?

Most children have coverage for medical expenses through Medicaid.

What types of children will be placed in my home?

Our program works with children or youth ages 0-21 years. Some children have experienced abuse and neglect. Some have experienced trauma and separation from their family. Other children have medical or developmental conditions that their parents cannot manage. Children come from various races and cultures. Foster families maintain the right to accept or refuse a placement opportunity.

Who can be a foster parent?

Anyone who is 25 years or older who is financially and emotionally stable, responsible, and willing to work as part of a team. Foster parents are culturally diverse, single, or married and from all income levels. No experience with foster care or special needs is required. Foster families must have a clean and safe home with adequate space for an additional child. Foster families must have time, flexibility, and the desire to make a difference in a child's life.

Why become a foster parent with CCC?

CCC has been providing foster care services for over 30 years. We value and support the families who we work with. Our case workers carry small caseloads so that they can give more time and attention to each child and family in their care. The program provides 24/7 access and ongoing support and training.

Where is the biggest need?

Although parents are needed for all children, the largest need currently is for families who can work with teenagers.

Foster Parent Requirements

To be eligible to be a foster parent you must be: 

  • at least 25-years-old

  • willing to commit time to a child

  • able to provide a clean, safe home with room for a child

  • financially stable 

  • emotionally stable 

  • willing to work as part of a team for the child's best interest

*As a Catholic agency, our services are limited to married couples who meet the church definition of marriage or single, non-cohabitating adults. 

Steps to Becoming a Foster Parent

  • Orientation - learn what it means to foster a child and work with CCC

  • Application - complete the application and paperwork

  • Training - learn about common issues you may experience as a foster parent and about CCC's treatment model 

  • Mutual Assessment - Decide if our program is the best fit for you and your family

  • Licensing & Approval - continue paperwork 

Is Fostering Right for your Family?

Fostering a child is a decision that will impact every member of your family. That's why it's important to talk to your kids and involve them in the decision-making process. Listen to their thoughts and ideas and discuss how fostering will change their day-to-day lives. Topics to discuss with your kids are the situations that lead children to foster homes, potential behavioral problems, and time frames for placement. Also be sure to reassure your kids that you are responsible for everyone's well-being and that you will continue to provide them with a safe, loving environment.

Kids Running

If you're considering becoming a foster parent, please complete the application and a foster care specialist will contact you soon! 

Want to know more?

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Commonwealth Catholic Charities

1601 Rolling Hills Drive | Richmond, VA 23229 

804.285.5900 |

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Commonwealth Catholic Charities is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

©2025 by Commonwealth Catholic Charities. 

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