Tony & Liz
Dear Friend,
We’re so excited our paths are crossing! We’re very happy to introduce ourselves, our names are Liz and Tony. We’re writing to you from our home, nestled in 10 acres within the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwest Virginia.
We’d love to tell you a bit about ourselves and our story, of course that will be tricky to accomplish in a few paragraphs. We’ve included some glimpses of our deep, loving relationship with some of our favorite moments in pictures.
We have been so fortunate to spend a beautiful 20 years of marriage together after starting our journey as high school sweethearts. We’ve seen each other accomplish graduate degrees and hold successful careers in Accounting ( Liz ) and User Experience / Product Design ( Tony ). As both of us have come from larger families, we’ve always wanted to start a family of our own and it feels like the timing couldn’t be better for us right now. Adoption feels like an incredible opportunity for us to welcome little ones into our lives and give them an unconditional, loving experience.
As we grow our family with this adoption and our first child, we’re excited to share our hobbies and interests. They’ll come with us while we travel, hike, camp, attend concerts and theater. They’ll grow up experiencing gardening, wildlife and running barefoot in the backyard, chasing fireflies. We’ll do everything in our power to experience life to its fullest together.
We’ll always be authentic and focus on their well being, sharing their adoption journey and teaching them about their heritage, culture and Birth Family. They’ll have our undying support to seek out and find their passions in life.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about us and considering us for this incredible privilege. If you choose to take this journey with us, we look forward to meeting and learning more about you and understanding the hopes and dreams you have for your child.
Wishing you all the best on this journey!

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