Dear biological parent(s),
I hope this letter finds you in a moment of peace and comfort. My name is Maggie Akers, and I am
a single woman who has felt a calling to become a mother through adoption.
I want to begin by expressing my admiration and respect for the journey you are on. As a single
mother considering adoption, I can only imagine the depth of love and sacrifice you hold for your
child. Your decision is not an easy one, but it is made from a place of profound love and concern
for your child's well-being.
I want you to know that I understand the challenges of single parenthood, and I am in awe of your
strength and resilience. While our paths may be different, our shared love for your child unites us
in a unique bond. I am honored to be considered as a potential adoptive parent for your precious
As a single mother, I am committed to providing your child with a stable, loving, and nurturing
home. I have spent much time reflecting on what it means to be a parent, and I am ready to
embrace the joys and challenges of raising a child on my own. I am filled with excitement and
anticipation at the thought of welcoming your child into my life and creating a loving family
I want you to know that I value the importance of preserving your child's heritage and honoring
their biological roots. I am committed to creating a home environment that celebrates diversity
and inclusivity, where your child will feel proud of who they are and where they come from.
As we embark on this journey together, I am open to building a relationship with you based on
trust, respect, and mutual understanding. I believe that having a supportive network of extended
family and friends is essential for both you and your child, and I am committed to fostering a sense
of connection and belonging.
Thank you for considering me as a potential adoptive parent for your child. I am filled with hope
and gratitude at the possibility of welcoming your child into my life and providing them with the
love, care, and support they deserve. I promise to cherish and honor your child for all the days of
my life, and I am committed to being the best mother I can be.
With love,

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