Kyle & Andrea
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We'd like to begin by saying that this decision must be so difficult for you, and we admire your courage, strength, and commitment. Whatever decision you end up making, we wish you and your child all the best in your future. We are excited about the opportunity to grow our family through adoption and have dreamt of it for many years.
We have been married for four years and together for seven. We've dreamt of having a family our entire lives and were grateful to have found each other and that we shared that desire. We want nothing more than to raise a child in our loving home, giving them every tool they will need to use the strengths and gifts that God has given them to be successful in life.
Hi, I'm Kyle! I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, where my family still lives. I come from a large family full of loving and welcoming people and love spending time with them. For work, I'm a business law attorney. I enjoy reading, fishing, hiking, and camping. I’m also involved in various community business advisory groups, civic groups, nonprofits, and our church. I also enjoy building and investing in startup companies.
Hi, I'm Andrea! I grew up in the area where we live, and my family lives close by. I work in communications and events at a local community organization. I really enjoy my job and its flexibility. I am very outgoing and enjoy spending time with friends, working in the garden, throwing dinner parties, spending time outdoors, reading, cooking, and mentoring teenage girls in the community. I'm very involved in various local nonprofits, and I believe giving back is the best way to truly be a part of a community. I am excited about fulfilling my lifelong dream of being a mother.
The community that we are a part of is full of loving friends and family that are eager and ready to welcome a new friend, cousin, grandson/granddaughter, into the fold. We both love children and volunteer at church with elementary school-aged kids teaching Sunday School. We love hiking together, traveling, and spending time with our friends and family who are very important to us. Our faith is paramount in our lives.
We live in the suburbs, in a family-friendly town with parks, recreational activities, amenities, beautiful rolling hills, and a fantastic school system. We have family within 20 minutes of us, and members of our family and friends have been adopted as well, including Andrea's father. We look forward to raising our future child in a loving family, full of friends, family, faith, and opportunity.
Please know that we have so much love to give and we would unconditionally love your child. We respect you and this difficult decision you are making, and you are in our prayers every single day. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we would love to get to know you more and have a conversation soon.
Kyle and Andrea

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