Developmental Disability Waiver Program
Commonwealth Catholic Charities provides case management services for individuals with a developmental disability under the Family and Individual supports (FIS) and Community Living (CL) Waivers. Services are available to Medicaid recipients aged six and older who are diagnosed with a developmental disability prior to the age of 22.

What is a Developmental Disabilities Waiver?
A Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver is a personalized set of services and support systems that enhance the health, safety, and welfare of individuals with developmental disabilities.
Why is it called a waiver if it’s really services and case management?
For those who qualify for assistance, their support is paid for by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Medicaid program, which must apply for a waiver of the federal Medicaid requirements that recipients must reside in an institution to receive funding for services.
How is CCC involved?
When an individual is approved for a DD waiver, there is a lot to coordinate. A case worker can help them navigate available services and advocate on their behalf. CCC’s case managers help recipients access medical and mental health care, educational opportunities, job training, residential assistance, and dozens of other tools to help them reach their long and short-term goals.